Sidney Sheldon Vicious ...The other bombay Brother to Danzig is a sweet but whiny bitch cat |
Danzig, my Super Awesome Bombay that weighs close to 20 lbs! He is a gentle giant alpha-male! |
Zombie cat ...Takes a lickin and keeps on tick'n"" |
Prince Mookie ....Gone but not forgotten |
Pierre.My sweet little french boy |
One of my attributes (or flaws, depending on your point of view) is that I am a sucker for a poor lost soul down on their luck And I always say, "Those who are hardest to love usually need it the most!" These principles are not limited to the human genome...I am a punk bitch for needy furry faced critters great and small ! Each and every one of the pets that live at Casa de Cream were supposed to be "temporary residents" until we found good homes...Needless to say, we now have a Menagerie of pets: The Twins /a.k.a. the Fang Brothers, 2 very large thoroughbred Bombay cats, were from a cat rescue who were left to die after the original owner (who's wife was terminally ill) put his wife to rest, then shot himself . They are both gentle giants but eat like 400 lb. lions ~ they are fat asses! Also, Sydney has a meow that sounds like a new born baby crying ...he is a whiny bitch-cat Beta-male, but we all adore him!
Then there is Zombie Cat...She came to us after being abused and hit by a car - she was in such bad shape I didn't think she would make it through the night .She is blind and has cancer. It is a running joke that we keep burying her in the back yard, but she just keeps coming back! LOL~She has bneurological problems so she moves really weird (almost like an insect). She also is blind & is missing huge patches of fur ~ and has a crazy haunting meow! She scares people! We have taken her to the vet thinking for sure they will put her down out of mercy but its weird: she seems to always bounce back - she definitely has 9 and a 1/2 lives !
Lua was dumped in the parking lot by Silver Cinemas over by Poughkeepsie Mall . I couldn't just leave her there! She is the sweetest cat in the house ~ she never complains pees or poos where she isn't supposed to & she doesn't scratch my furniture! I like to believe she is grateful that we saved her (of course this is magical thinking on my part but either way I really love this sweet kitty!)
McKenzie is my Boogie down Bronx kitty!She is a little diva! |
As far as ghost pets, Mookie was my cat I brought here when I moved from NYC ~ he was a feral bastard and a trouble-maker, but somehow he was my most beloved favorite pet of all time. I had such a deep connection with this wild mischievious creature! I was devastated when he got hit by a car 2 years ago .He was like Houdini ~ he always found a way to get out at night so I finally started letting him go out ...he was happy when he was outside...he was a master hunter and he could catch bird in mid flight ...I thought it was a sin to try to keep him prisioner indoors when you could see him gazing out the window and crying to be outside. He was chasing a rabbit and ran into the road right in front of a car and instantly he was gone. I still miss him . I don't remember ever being so grief-stricken over a cat. He was very special to me & I can't even talk about him without welling up with tears, somehow as bad as it sounds it is comforting to know he was doing what he loved when he died.
Next is McKenzie who is from the Boogie Down Bronx...she was dumped out by a landlord after her prior owner, an old woman, died. My Daughter Zoe (13 at the time) saw her outside of her grandma's house while visiting and came back home to Poughkeepsie crying bless her heart there was no way out of it ...we loaded up in the car with cat carrier and took the 2 hour drive to get the cat .She must have remembered Zoe because she came right to her and went right into the cat carrier and the rest is history .we have had Mckenzie for going 5 years .She lives on the other side of the house with my friend Stephen who is also a a tenant spoils her like a princess .
GG !The Beast from hell !She is so cute and cuddley but it is just a trick to suck you in then she attacks like a vicious predator .she means well bless her she is the runt from a litter of feral cats at a local farm !She is an awesome punk rock feral kitten !we love her and all have the scars to prove it !LOL
The dogs in the house Pierre bless his heart he is all looks and no brains !Pierre is a toy Papillion !For the most part he Lives with Zoe (My 18 yr old)but he is definitely a part of the family !Pierre was chained to a tree in this hillbilly up the road from me !He was with a bunch of mean ole bird dogs ...I felt bad for him so I stopped in and talked to the guy .Apparently the redneck dude that chained the little toy breed dog to the tree got the Papillion for his ex wife 2 weeks before his wife left him for another man and right then and there he offered me the dog so I took the little guy he was so feral he didnt answer to a name when we got him .He loves to pee on every thing although I must admit he has come a long way !He has really bonded with Zoe and is an irreplacable pet !
Last but of course not least are our latest additions to The Cream street zoo are My two very sweet long haired dachshunds Roxy born with a birth defect as a result of irresponsible inner breeding practices I call Roxy my three legged wonder because she truly is a force of nature .And her Mother ,Daisy whom was no longer valuable because she had a defective pup.Daisey is very fearful of everything ..I think her life as a puppy vending machine effected her profoundly and left her a bit frazzled!The two little dogs were brought here as a result of a cordial separation between my boyfriend(Keith aka My silly man ) and his ex-wife .Keith's ex-wife had a lot on her plate raising their beautiful and amazing (I believe he is an Indigo child )four year old son .Keith works long hours and has a long commute so It seemed reasonable that I would be able to care for them being that I am home everyday .Long haired dachshunds are a high maintenance breed with special needs .. I am very grateful to Keith ex wife for letting me have them .the dogs bark for no reason all day long and require vigorous grooming but they bring me so much joy and are great companions the Three legged wonder has become my sidekick we spend every waking hour together !I cook for them breakfast lunch and dinner they are spoiled bitches !LOL!Well that's all the pets of Cream Street I somehow feel sure we will at sometime or another be adding new pets cream street seems to be a vortex for unwanted pets ....I talk alot of shit but the truth is... I am wired to love , whether they are sick,hungry, lost and or broken I welcome them with with open arms !
Lua is the sweetest cat in the house |
GG Allin...dont get sucked in by her cuteness!she is a vicious beast viper! LOL! |
My sweet long-haired Dachshunds...the three legged wonder Foxy Roxy (left) and Crazy Daisy her Mama (right) |
you are fantastic! :)) love your jewelry, love love love! your DotD makeup. glad to have stumbled upon your blog, it's a delight, I have cats too, so ... "i know how they are" ;) have a great day!