Hello, my dearest 5 people who actually read this!I admit I am slacktacular and suck at being consistent... but a new day has dawned and I am trying to commit myself to doing a weekly blog to share my crazy ass life with the internet universe!
The one constant in my life is that I am still making art!For me making art comes before breathing...then breathing is second smoking the third ect....LOL! Here are a few projects I completed recently
Paper Mache with Painted Skeletal Anatomy |
"Abraham TWINKin"a vintage mens cologne bottle I painted !A tribute to my favorite artist Scott Scheidly |
A Pagan Buddhist Gypsy Witch themed collage coffee table |
I am still making jewelry which I sell on consignment at various shops around Poughkeepsie NY and NYC I have been doing a lot of casual men's accessories.People ...dudes, in particular, seem to like them...because they are simple as well as comfortable.I am usually not simple with anything I do but with men's accessories, I think more men can pull off and are willing to wear things that are on the simpler side here are some examples of my menswear accessories.So there ya have it short but sweet blog update I am trying to keep up with monthly postings just mainly so I can show some follow through...Who says old dawgs can't learn new tricks?
Deer Antler choker inlaid with Australian Opal ,old Indian head nickel I made into a button for the clasp